Mature Businesses

Owner wants to ensure continuity when they decide to retire. They may seek a capital event in the event of sale.
We will work with you to draw up an exit strategy to allow you to reach your goal.
A business has plateaued and isn’t doing what it needs to for the owners.
We consult to businesses on a regular basis, preparing management figures and meeting with the owners to discuss these, assist them with reviewing costings, drawing attention to costs that are increasing, reviewing cashflows and identifying areas of concern. We will make suggestions to get the business performing again.
Business is now making healthy profits.
We discuss the best ways of extracting funds from the company to remunerate the owners in the most tax efficient manner.
Do you own a successful business and wondering where to go next?
Book a consultation.
Growing Businesses
There is always the danger that a business may grow too quick without having all the necessary support in place and the business starts to suffer because of this.
We meet with owners on a regular basis to help them implement processes to manage this and to review these constantly. For example, cash flow forecasts, budgets, targets, VAT and tax bills.
Owners and their goals constantly change and it is very important to ensure the business moves with these. For example, moving into a different market, service or product.
We would help to ensure these are documented, reviewed and that all areas/legislation have been covered. Assisting with preparing business plans, loan applications, determine if any grants are available.
Already own a business and looking to grow it bigger?
Find out how we can help.

Start up Businesses

You have a great idea to start a business but are unsure of what is involved.
We would help you prepare a business plan and cashflow forecast. Discuss the best structure for your business. If finance needed then assist with loan or grant applications. Ensure the business is registered with the correct authorities in a timely fashion.
What book-keeping system would I use?
There are several options available and we would discuss this with you and help you select the best package for your type of business. Training would be provided.
There are a lot of areas that will be `firsts` for a new business, for example, first VAT return, first self-assessment tax return, first financial set of accounts.
We provide guidance and assurance at every stage of the process, via meetings, emails, telephone calls, one on one training whichever method is most suitable.
Thinking of starting a business?
Book a meeting to discuss your options.